Introduction of Community-Based Preconception Care for Men and Women of Childbearing Age in Seoul
Baeg Ju Na, Mi Jeom Lee, Hwa Sun Lee, Seung Ki Min, Hye Ok Kim, Ki Hoon Ahn, Woo Ryoung Lee, In Sook Sohn, Eun Hee Ha, Sung Hong Joo, Hee-Sun Kim, Young Ah Kim, Jung Yeol Han
J Korean Soc Matern Child Health. 2020;24(3):123-132.   Published online 2020 Jul 31     DOI:
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General practice preconception care invitations: a qualitative study of women’s acceptability and preferences
Nishadi Nethmini Withanage, Sharon James, Jessica Botfield, Kirsten Black, Jeana Wong, Danielle Mazza
BMJ Sexual & Reproductive Health.2024; : bmjsrh-2024-202432.     CrossRef