Oral Health Care of before and after Hospitalized Children with Community Acquired Pneumonia |
박혜진1, 박형숙2 |
1일신기독병원 2부산대학교 간호대학 |
지역사회 획득 폐렴환아의 입원 전ㆍ후구강건강 관리 |
박혜진1, 박형숙2 |
1일신기독병원 2부산대학교 간호대학 |
Abstract |
Purpose This study was conducted to compare and analyze changes in oral health care betweenpre-admission and admission hospitalized children who had community acquired pneumonia (CAP).
Methods The data were obtained from 273 hospitalized children with CAP through questionnairesfrom June to December 2011. The data were analyzed with descriptive statistics, percentage,mean, standard deviation, McNemar's test and t/F test was done using PASW 18K.
Results The results of this study showed on admission hospitalized children that decreased tonumber of tooth brush (X2=197.72, p<.001) and time of tooth brush (X2=77.82, p<.001). Theywere, however, increased number of snacks (X2=99.85, p<.001) and drinks (X2=33.72, p<.001)as well as change in method of horizontal brushing (X2=36.18, p<0.01) than pre-admission hospitalization.
The shorter the number of readmissions of Community acquired pneumonia (CAP) waspracticing good of oral health care.
Conclusion Nursing intervention is needed to monitor oral health care such as regular and rightmethod of tooth brush and proper control of the snacks and drinks for helping to illness recoveryand minimize re-admission for hospitalized children with had CAP. |
Key Words:
community acquired infections, bacterial pneumonia, children, Oral health |