Breastfeeding Rate and its Related Factors in Gumi |
이희숙1, 서순림1, 김건엽1, 김현지2 |
1경북대학교 2대전대학교 |
구미지역의 모유수유 실태와 관련요인 |
이희숙1, 서순림1, 김건엽1, 김현지2 |
1경북대학교 2대전대학교 |
Abstract |
Objective The purpose of this research was to observe the rate of breastfeeding and to identify factors related to the breastfeeding in Gumi.
Methods Study subjects were 288 mothers with infants aged between 6 and 36 months who visited public health center and Indong public health office in Gumi. The data were collected from January to March, 2011, and were analyzed by using SPSS 18.0 with descriptive statistics, chisquare test and multiple logistic regression analyses.
Results As a result of a multiple logistic regression analysis, the significant variables affecting the breastfeeding in the first month were the period intended to breastfeed, learning how to breastfeed at hospital after delivery, not give formula feeding, rooming-in and postpartum care type.
As a result of a multiple logistic regression analysis, the significant variables affecting the breastfeeding in the 6th month were mother's employment status, participation in the prenatal education about breastfeeding, the period intended to breastfeed, starting time of breastfeeding at hospital after delivery, breastfeeding in the first month.
Conclusions First, accelerate implementation of the Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative and the Baby-Friendly Postpartum care center. Second, maternity leave and parental leave should be provided for working women and workplace should be made as 'mother-friendly workplace'. Third,help pregnant women to learn about the importance of breastfeeding for their babies and themselves.
Fourth, help mothers breastfeed in the first month after delivery. |
Key Words:
breastfeeding, related factors, urban area |