The Influencing Factors on Alcohol Use during Pregnancy |
염계정1, 김일옥2, 최소영2 |
1경북과학대학교 2삼육대학교 |
임신 중 음주에 영향을 미치는 요인 |
염계정1, 김일옥2, 최소영2 |
1경북과학대학교 2삼육대학교 |
Abstract |
Objectives The purpose of this study was to investigate the status and influencing factors of alcohol use during pregnancy. Methods The design for this study is a cross-sectional descriptive correlation study. Samples were collected from 325 women including 166 pregnant women and 159 women who have ever experienced pregnancies. The data were collected during the period between September and October in 2010. The instruments for this study were AUDIT- K, family support, self-efficacy. Results There were 163 women (50.2%) of 325 subjects used alcohol during their pregnancies, 143 women (90.7%) of those surveyed didn't realize their pregnancies. Otherwise 54 women (33.3%) used alcohol, knowing their pregnancies. Age, religion and income were statistically significant demographic characteristics influencing alcohol use during pregnancy. Also, there were other variations that are statistically significant; are planned pregnancy, problem drinking without pregnancy, family history, family support and self-efficacy. The analysis results of the factors on influence of alcohol use during pregnancy showed that problem drinking without pregnancy, family history, family support. Conclusion This study showed that the factors on influence of alcohol use during pregnancy are significantly related to problem drinking without pregnancy, family history and family support. |
Key Words:
alcohol use during pregnancy, family support, problem drinking, planned pregnancy |