J Korean Soc Matern Child Health Search


J Korean Soc Matern Child Health > Volume 14(1); 2010 > Article
Journal of The Korean Society of Maternal and Child Health 2010;14(1):1-11.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.21896/jksmch.2010.14.1.1    Published online January 31, 2010.
The Temperament of Grandmothers and Grandchildren Grandmother's Parenting Self-Efficacy and Parenting Stress
박홍주1, 정향미2
1침례병원 주임간호사
조모와 손자녀의 기질, 조모의 양육효능감 및 양육스트레스
박홍주1, 정향미2
1침례병원 주임간호사
This study was done to identify the relationship among temperament of a grandmother and grandchild, the grandmother's parenting self-efficacy and parenting stress.
Study participants were 165 grandmothers who had grandchildren aged 1 to 7 years in B City. Descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, and Pearson's correlation coefficient were calculated using the SPSS Win 17.0 program.
The comparison of a grandmother's parenting self-efficacy according to the characteristics of the participants, showed a significant difference. This could be found in the reasons why grandmothers didn't receive pocket money, relation with working mothers and health conditions. Comparison of grandmothers' parenting stress according to the participants' characteristics showed a significant difference according to conflict with working mothers, health conditions, parenting place and parenting motivations. In correlation with temperament, parenting self-efficacy, and parenting stress, grandmothers' parenting self-efficacy had a negative correlation in the emotionality of grandmothers and grandchildren. Grandmothers' parenting stress had a negative correlation in the sociality of grandmothers and grandchildren. Grandmothers' parenting self-efficacy and parenting stress had a negative correlation.
The findings of the study indicated a need to develop and apply nursing intervention to promote grandmothers' parenting self-efficacy, and reduce their parenting stress. This would give due consideration to the characteristics of the grandmothers, and temperament of grandmothers and their grandchildren.
Key Words: temperament, parenting self-efficacy, parenting stress, grandmother
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