Health and Child Rearing Status of Infants and Preschool Children in Poverty - For the We Start Program in Kyunggi Province - |
방경숙1, 현혜진2, 양수3, 김지수1 |
1서울대학교 2강원대학교 3가톨릭대학교 |
경기도 위스타트 사업을 위한 미취학 빈곤 아동 건강 및 양육 실태 |
방경숙1, 현혜진2, 양수3, 김지수1 |
1서울대학교 2강원대학교 3가톨릭대학교 |
Abstract |
Objectives : This study was performed to investigate the differences in the levels of a child's general health status and child rearing status between households of average income and poverty-level income.
Methods : The population surveyed was of low socioeconomic status and was selected from 3 cities with the We Start program. Data from these surveys were used for this study. Data from 186 households having infants or preschoolers, and 118 households in the general status population of the same district were analyzed using the χ2-test and t-test with SPSS Win program.
Results : Children under 2 years of age from poverty-level households showed more health-related problems such as hospital admission (p=0.054), congenital disease (p= 0.068), and pre-term (p=0.087) than those of the average group. Also children from the same group 2~6 showed more developmental delay (p=0.048), allergy (p=0.072), dental problems (p=0.001), and emotional problems (p=0.078) like anxiety or fear. There was a significant difference between incomes groups in the mother's child health management. The former group's ratio of prenatal check-up (p=0.004) and homemade baby food made (p=0.006) were lower than the latter group. Both had a trouble with child rearing and there was no difference.
Conclusions : These results suggest that children in low socioeconomic status are likely to have more health problems and health risks. According to these finding, it seems that the involvement of health professionals in the low socioeconomic group would be beneficial. Our research can assist future healthcare planning and the target interventions for the health of children in poverty.
Key Words:
infant, preschool children, health, child rearing, poverty |