Association Between Psychological Factors and Smoking Experience in Middle School Students |
류소연1, 박요섭2 |
1조선대학교 2광주광역시 광산구보건소 |
중학생의 우울 및 자아존중감과 흡연 경험과의 관련성 |
류소연1, 박요섭2 |
1조선대학교 2광주광역시 광산구보건소 |
Abstract |
Objectives This study was performed to find the association between smoking experiences and psychological factors such as depression and self-esteem in middle school students.
Methods The data were collected by self-administered questionnaires from 1,995 students in 10 middle schools in a district of Gwangju, and analysed using chi-square test, t-test and multiple logistic regression analysis.
Results The rate of smoking experience was 29.6% for male and 14.5% for female students (p<0.05). Students who had ever smoked were more depressed and lower self- esteem than those who did not smoke. After adjustment for the effect of potential covariates, those students who depressed were more likely to have smoking experiences (aOR= 1.87, 95% CI=1.51~2.31), compared with who did not depressed. And those students in the highest 25% (4th quartile) of the self-esteem were less likely to have smoking experiences (aOR=0.61, 95% CI=0.38~0.87), compared with the lowest quartile group.
Conclusions The results of this study suggest that psychological factors were associated with student smoking. There is therefore a need for school-based smoking prevention programs, which deal comprehensively with socio-demographic factors, environmental factors and psychological factors that influence smoking.
Key Words:
smoking, students, depression, self-esteem |