J Korean Soc Matern Child Health Search


J Korean Soc Matern Child Health > Volume 20(3); 2016 > Article
Journal of The Korean Society of Maternal and Child Health 2016;20(3):228-238.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.21896/jksmch.2016.20.3.228    Published online September 30, 2016.
Factors Associated with Marital Satisfaction of Women Under Infertility Treatments
Mi Ok Kim1, Jung Suk Park2, Hyun A Nam3
1Department of Nursing, Namseoul University, Korea
2College of Nursing, Kosin University, Korea
3Department of Nursing, Pyeongtaek University, Korea
난임 치료 중인 여성의 결혼만족도에 영향을 미치는 요인
김미옥1, 박정숙2, 남현아3
1남서울대학교 간호학과
The purpose of this study is to determine the infertility stress, marital intimacy, and marital satisfaction of women under infertility treatment, and to reveal associated factors of marital satisfaction.
As a descriptive correlation study, data was collected from 174 women under infertility treatment. Data was analysed using χ2-test, t-test, ANOVA, pearson's correlation coefficients, and stepwise multiple regression.
Infertility stress, marital intimacy, and marital satisfaction averaged 3.20±.3 (range of scale 1~5), 3.53±.5, and 3.74±.6, respectively. The marital satisfaction varied with a statistical significance by the spouse’s attitude about infertility treatment and financial burden on infertility treatments. Marital satisfaction had a positive correlation with infertility stress (r=.526, p<.001) and marital intimacy (r=.637, p<.001). We also identified the marital intimacy as the most influencing factor and the infertility stress as the second most influencing factor on the infertile women’s marital satisfaction.
This research provided a valuable opportunity to recognize infertility as a marital, family, and societal problem, which calls for relational support as well as personal support. The infertility experts need to recognize both the personal and relational aspects of the infertility problem, and make various efforts to promote the reproductive health of the infertile patients.
Key Words: infertile women, marital satisfaction, stress, intimacy

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