Efficacy of Human Papillomavirus Vaccines as an Anticancer Vaccine |
서경1, 오진경2, 신해림3 |
1연세대학교 2국립암센터 3국제암연구소 |
자궁경부암 예방 백신의 효과와 공중보건학적 의의 |
서경1, 오진경2, 신해림3 |
1연세대학교 2국립암센터 3국제암연구소 |
Abstract |
Objectives Aim of study is to review efficacies of two human papillomavirus vaccines in different study populations and examine importance of HPV vaccine as a routine vaccine.
Methods Four phase-3 efficacy studies of two HPV vaccines were reviewed. Magnitude of efficacies were compared among different study populations.
Results Recently, two kinds of papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines were developed. "Cervarix" is a bivalent vaccine which contained L1 protein of HPV 16 and HPV 18, and "Gardasil" is a quadrivalent vaccine which contained L1 protein of HPV 6 and HPV 11 in addition. Efficacy study showed that both vaccine are highly effective to prevent cervical, vaginal and vulvar precancerous lesion in the population who are naive to HPV infection. Quadrivalent vaccine also showed high efficacy to prevent genital warts. Efficacy of the vaccine decreased in the general population who included both HPV-naive and HPV-infected peoples. Both vaccines showed high immune responses for 5 years after vaccination.
Conclusions From the point of public health, HPV vaccine is an important vaccine for young adolescents who have not begun sexual activity. However, development of guidelines for HPV vaccination for each country will be dependent on cost effectiveness of HPV vaccines of each population. |
Key Words:
human papillomavirus, vaccine, efficacy |