The Seoul Healthy First Step Project: Introduction and Expansion, Program Content and Performance, and Future Challenges |
Young Ho Khang1, Sung Hyun Cho2, Kyung Ja
June2, Ji Yun Lee2, Yu Mi
Kim2, Hong Jun
Cho2 |
1Department of Family Medicine, Asan Medical Center, University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea 2The Support Team for the Seoul Healthy First Step Projec |
서울아기 건강 첫걸음 사업: 도입과 확대 과정, 사업 내용과 성과, 그리고 향후 과제 |
강영호1, 조성현2, 전경자2, 이지윤2, 김유미2, 조홍준2 |
1울산의대 서울아산병원 가정의학과 2서울아기 건강 첫걸음 사업 지원단 |
Young Ho Khang, Email: |
Abstract |
With the motto ‘Equity from the Start for a Healthy Future’, the Seoul Healthy First Step Project (SHFSP) was launched in 2013 in an attempt to support women with young children, to improve the health and development of babies, and eventually to close the gap in child development. The SHFSP contains both universal components (universal risk assessment of mothers and universal home visitation after birth) and selective components (prenatal and postnatal sustained home visits, mothers’ groups, and community service linkage), thereby taking a proportionate universality approach. For sustained home visits, the SHFSP introduced the Maternal and Early Childhood Sustained Home-visiting (MECSH) program from Australia, which has been proven to be effective in improving maternal and childhood outcomes. Between 2013~2017, the SHFSP has paid 58,327 visits to roughly 38 thousand families with babies. In 2017, the SHFSP covered 19.6% of families with newborn babies in Seoul.
The SHFSP conducted internal satisfaction surveys of universal and sustained visitation service recipients, in which an overwhelming majority of mothers provided positive feedback. A performance assessment conducted in 2016 by an external organization showed that 93% of SHFSP service recipients were satisfied with the home visitations. Considering the popular support for the program from mothers and families in Seoul (the most affluent area in Korea) and the lack of a national home visiting program to promote early childhood health and development, this program should be expanded nationally in the near future. |
Key Words:
child development, home health nursing, infant, Korea, maternal-child health services, Seoul |