The Effects of Puerperium Maternal Anxiety, Marital Relationships, and Depression on Late Postpartum Depression |
Soo Yeon Kim1, Hyang Sook So2 |
1DaVita Bedford Park Dialysis Center, Bronx, NewYork, USA 2College of Nursing, Chonnam National University, Gwang-ju, Korea |
산모의 불안, 부부관계 및 우울이 산욕후기 우울에 미치는 영향 |
김수연1, 소향숙2 |
1뉴욕 브롱스 다비타 배드포드 팍 혈액투석센터 2전남대학교 |
Hyang Sook So, Email: |
Abstract |
Purpose This study aimed to determine the effects of puerperium maternal anxiety, quality of marital relationship, and postpartum blues on late postpartum depression.
Methods Participants were 130 postpartum women who delivered healthy babies, and answered self-administered questionnaires, such as Edinburgh Postpartum Depression Scale (EPDS-K), Spielberger’s State Anxiety Inventory, and Quality of Marital Relationships during the 1st week of delivery and 4‒6 weeks postpartum. Data were analyzed using t-test, ANOVA, Spearman's rho correlation coefficient, and hierarchical stepwise multiple regression analysis.
Results The point prevalence of postpartum depression (EPDS-K ≥10, cut-off score) was 23.1% at early postpartum and 16.9% at late postpartum. Predictors of late postpartum depression were early postpartum depression (β= 0.86), the difference between early and late postpartum anxiety (β=0.19), and the difference between early and late Quality of Marital Relationships (β=-0.13) (F=70.52, p<0.001). The total vatiance explained was 76.5%.
Conclusion It is recommended that a maternal management system should be established at maternity hospitals to screen new mothers’ depression and anxiety risks during the early postpartum stage. |
Key Words:
postpartum depression, anxiety, marital relationships |