Management of Women with Abnormal Pap Smear Tests in Pregnancy |
In Ho
Lee1, Yoo Kyung Lee2, Ki Heon Lee1, Mi Kyung Kim1 |
1Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Cheil General Hospital and Women's Healthcare Center, College of Medicine, Dankook University, Seoul, Korea 2College of Medicine, Dankook University, Seoul, Korea |
임신 중 비정상 자궁경부 세포검사를 보인 여성의 처치 |
이인호1, 이유경2, 이기헌1, 김미경1 |
1단국대학교 제일병원 산부인과 2단국대학교 |
Mi Kyung Kim, Email: |
Abstract |
Pregnancy provides a unique opportunity for young women to begin participating in the National Cancer Screening Program. The incidence of abnormal Pap smear test results during pregnancy is approximately 5%, and is comparable to that in non-pregnant women. However, normal physiological changes of the cervix during pregnancy can complicate the diagnostic accuracy of the Pap smear test, and prevent appropriate management in women who yield an abnormal test result. To date, no large, prospective clinical trials evaluating the management of women with abnormal Pap smear tests in pregnancy have been performed. Herein, we review and summarize a large series of literature and consensus guidelines on the evaluation of abnormal Pap smear test results and the management of cervical neoplasia in pregnancy. |
Key Words:
abnormal pap smear test, pregnancy, management |